Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females Over 60

This article has some fantastic online dating profile examples for women which can help them attract many people on the Internet. Read on to know more. These days, it has been observed that the popularity of online dating among youngsters is rising at a great pace. What to say online dating first message examples. Online dating to do the job. Your credit can never be overlooked when paying for your dream date. And you can always share what you have to offer – be it a good job, professional skills, bank balance or kids. Because dating is meant to be fun. Nov 18, 2014 Most women are natural storytellers. After all, we’ve had plenty of practice with our kids and grandkids over the years! But, when it comes to writing a dating profile after 60, we often find ourselves lost for words. We may not even be able to describe the kind of man that we are looking for. Dec 26, 2018 For those who believe online dating, a headline is akin to one’s bio-data to other users. Fortunately, women can explore a wide range of possibilities in this regard. If you want to brainstorm for profile ideas, you can get the right one for your dating profile examples for women on one of the dating sites on the internet. Mar 13, 2019 Of course, it’s not always easy to strike profile gold. You may see profiles you like regularly, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what makes them pop. Today, we’re going to show you some good dating profiles to copy or at least help you make an inspired profile for yourself. Here are seven good online dating profiles to copy and make your own.

Ever wondered how to create a dating profile that says, hello there, here I am, waiting to meet that special someone? Something that is an interesting introduction but not so in-depth that it takes an hour to read. Hopefully, you will find our mature dating guide helpful.

What are you trying to achieve with your dating profile?

  • Attract positive interest
  • Start a conversation. Face to face is where you get to share more information about yourself (if you want).

Here are a few do and don’t tips –

  • Do not write your life story. A profile is an interesting and brief introduction to who you are. Around 200 to 300 words is perfect.
  • Do not write a handful of sentences. You need something more to bait the hook.
  • Don’t be negative.
  • Don’t tell Jokes. Remember what Churchill said – “a joke is a serious thing”
  • Don’t be half-hearted about online dating. Enthusiasm counts for a lot.
  • Keep away from emojis. Not everybody understands them.
  • Do be positive
  • Do say what you want rather than what you do not want.
  • Do be humorous.
  • Do be confident of who you are. There is somebody out there for everyone.

How to structure a great profile in six steps

  1. To the point, opening sentence
  2. Short paragraph about your work life and goals
  3. Short paragraph about how you spend your leisure time
  4. Short paragraph on your values & beliefs
  5. Short paragraph on the type of person you are looking for
  6. A positive, final sentence

Remember that we are looking for an introduction of no more than 300 words and no less than 200. This is not your autobiography. Be positive, throughout.

Example #1Woman

Examples of dating profiles for females over 50Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females Over 60

I am an optimistic woman, looking for an upbeat and energetic man.

My career is important to me but so is my leisure time. A balanced work/life balance is what I seek & would respect in a partner. The work hard & play hard philosophy applies to me.

The outdoors is my great love and walking & cycling are my go-to activities. I am always open to new ideas but perhaps not potholing or bog snorkelling. Travel has always been important to me and Japan & China are top of my current, bucket list. My interests are not all outdoors. Nobody enjoys a good movie, gig or play as much as me.

Very important virtues to me are those of courtesy and kindness. I treat people with tolerance & respect and always try to put myself in their shoes. Life has thrown up its challenges as it does with all of us. The ability to keep moving forward is one of the abilities I admire most.

My ideal match is intelligent, courteous, kind and with a great sense of humour. Trustworthy and reliable are non-negotiable. If you also enjoy the outdoors, travel and evenings in watching classic movies then heaven must have sent you.

Life has so much to offer. Please do get in touch if you feel I might be the right woman for you.

Example #2 – Man

Grounded, hard-working, easy-going man looking for a vivacious and kind woman to enjoy life with.

I own a successful joinery firm and have been in the house renovation/joinery business since leaving the Royal Navy in 2002. The good news is that I am not a complete workaholic. Recharging the batteries is important to keeping productive and happy.

Outside of work, I enjoy watching Rugby and am a member of a spectacularly unsuccessful, local pub quiz team. Food is a hobby & people tell me that I am not a bad cook. My dog, Barney the Boxer, makes sure that I am exercised regularly. Aside from work and home, I have a doer-upper home in southern France that is very nearly, ready to enjoy.

Very important to me is honesty. Having been let down in the past (haven’t we all), I need to feel relaxed and settled in a relationship. A dog lover is a must and a great sense of humour is important. If you can answer quiz questions, then all the better. Apart from that, I am open-minded. Like Forest Gump said, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I will answer any contact requests. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

We make the whole thing simple for you within the dating site. It’s a series of drop-down menu options. The more information you supply, the better the chance of a perfect match finding you –

Profile Pictures

They say that a picture paints a thousand words. It’s true. So why are so many dating profile pictures of poor quality? Here is our guide to a better profile picture –

  • Make sure that your profile picture reflects the same image as your written profile. If your profile says you are an active, outdoors sort of person, then a photograph of you on the sofa is not the way to go.
  • Keep away from pictures of drinking or smoking. Many profile pictures are of people on a drunken night out. OK, you are a fun-loving person but it’s a bad first impression & you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
  • Do not use an old photograph. You will get found out as soon as you meet up. Accept your age gracefully. A good photograph at any age will make you look great.
  • If you can afford it, get your picture done by a professional photographer. These guys know how to relax and get the best out of you. Fewer than 10% of online dating site users have a professionally taken photograph.
  • Avoid images of you wearing sunglasses. The eyes are the window to the soul and profile pictures where you can see the eyes do a whole lot better than profiles with sunglasses.
  • Choose your clothing, wisely. There is no problem with colour but a busy pattern, detracts from the important thing and that’s you.
  • Do not show too much flesh. You might have amazing pectorals or a figure to die for, but do you want it on display in your profile. Is that what you are selling or is it the real you? Flattering clothing is fine but Bikinis and Budgie smugglers, maybe not.
  • Smile
  • Try to avoid looking directly towards the Sun’s direction. It’s almost impossible not to screw your eyes up. Natural light is perfect.
  • This is not a police mugshot or a passport photograph. Staring directly into a camera lens is probably a bad idea.
  • If you are taking a picture indoors, think about what’s behind you. It doesn’t have to be a show house but a pile of dirty washing up or an ironing board are to be avoided.

Here are a couple of professionally shot photographs that would be great for a dating profile –

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Best online dating profiles examples
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There are many ways to get a dating profile wrong, and far fewer ways to do it right. But when you do get it right, you stand out. And when you stand out, you can potentially get more matches who are interested in the things you’re interested in. At least, that’s the hope.

Of course, it’s not always easy to strike profile gold. You may see profiles you like regularly, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what makes them pop. Today, we’re going to show you some good dating profiles to copy or at least help you make an inspired profile for yourself.

Here are seven good online dating profiles to copy and make your own:

The Genuine Profile


Hi, I’m new here, but here goes nothing. I’m looking for late night heart-to-hearts, authentic people, and the occasional glass of red wine. I prefer to take things slow, but if it feels right it feels right 🙂

I work as a nurse at Sedar-Sinai hospital, so I’ll be able to take care of you as long as you don’t get jealous that I have a four-day weekend every week.

The key to my heart is honesty, open communication, and loyalty. If you’re interested in getting to know me, tell me about the last thing that warmed your heart.

The Trail Guide Profile

Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females Over 50

I was born in a national park (yep.) and you get bonus points if you can guess which one! Things that I love: hiking, squirrels, trail mix, camping under the stars, sand between my toes, bears (they’re basically big squirrels).

This last year I went to 12 different national parks in my van. Here’s to another 12. If you’re looking for your Carmen San Diego, you found her. Pick two: beach, mountain, forest, desert, or dessert. If you guess my combo, I’ll take you out. If you guess wrong, you have to take me out 😉

The World Traveler Profile

Just got back from the Czech Republic and I’m already raring for the next trip abroad. My passport is stamped almost front to back with little space to spare, so if you’ve got a suggestion on what should fill the remainder shoot me a message!

Best Travel Memory: Riding camels across the desert in Jordan.

Worst Travel Memory: Camel chewing off a clump of my hair in Jordan. Guess they hadn’t seen grass in a while.

I’m seeking someone to hug and hold hands with in front of famous European landmarks for Instagram (3+ years of experience required). Please respond with relevant job materials to be considered.

The Hobbyist Profile

I love to make things! I play music, paint, dance, and, yes, I know how to work a pottery wheel, so reenacting the Patrick Swayze “Ghost” Scene is not totally off the table (if you’ve earned it).

I spend my weekdays working at a nonprofit tutoring kiddies. Any other moment I have is spent frolicking in high ceiling museums and indulging the aforementioned conceits.

Hit me up for concerts, coffee dates, or your favorite pho spot, but be prepared to talk about your life outside of work and partying puh-lease. Toodles <3

The Extravert Profile

So, the things you need to know about me are: I like to have fun, I talk a lot, and I have a big, big, big laugh, so if you’re self-conscious about people looking at us in the bar…well, just don’t be.

The ideal first date is for drinks, exchanging some personal fun facts, then dancing (please tell me you dance, doesn’t have to be good, just confident). Disclaimer: I have a lot of friends, and they’re not going anywhere. BUT you’re more than welcome to join the group. We don’t bite!

I’m pretty much down for anything, as long as it keeps a smile on my face, which isn’t a tall order. If you’re there, it shouldn’t be a problem 😉

The Athlete Profile

Tennis, running, hiking, weights, swimming, soccer, you name it. I’ve been wearing cleats, so long they’re actually just part of my feet now. Sorry if you live in a shoes off household [shrug emoji].

I’m active and you should be, too! Sports are fun, and I’m looking for a teammate to share in the fun in the long-term, so I need someone who can keep up. If you’re into it, you know what to do. And don’t worry I don’t take gym selfies…usually.

The Joker Profile

Hi, I would like one [job], please. I would be an asset to [your company] because I am skilled at [skills] and have much leadership experience at [working.]

Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females Over 60 Images

Voted five times potato peeler of the moment, at my last gig. If you’re looking for somebody who will take initiative and make fries when life gives them plain ol’ taters, I’m your guy. Email for further inquiries: starchkingmarv@hotmail.com

Oh wait, this isn’t LinkedIn? [potato emoji]

Writing profiles are hard, of course, so sometimes it’s good to start with a formula. If you had to include three basic elements, write a short paragraph about you, one about who you’re looking for, and one about your ideal date. Good smiling photos and the occasional joke also help. Once you got that down, you should be good to go. Good luck!

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